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指導研究生(Chi-Yun Liu, Tran-Bao-Quyen Pham、Asmare Molla Reta)榮獲國科會補助國內專家學者與國內研究生出席國際學術會議獎助(2024)

指導研究生(Tran-Bao-Quyen Pham、Hoang-Minh Nguyen)榮獲臺灣科技大學工程學院優秀青年(2024)

指導研究生(陳琪蓉)碩士論文「營建場域人員職災行為檢測改善之條件生成式非模態實例分割優化技術」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文優等獎 (2024)

指導研究生(連哲賢)碩士論文「結合電腦視覺辨識與影像分割技術推估橋梁背板與下部構件劣化維護成本」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文佳作獎 (2024)

指導研究生(Asmare Molla Reta)博士論文「北極燕鷗遷徙與覓食行為啟發之新型仿生優化演算法在大地工程的應用(A Novel Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Migration and Foraging Behavior of Arctic Terns for Geotechnical Engineering Applications)」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文佳作獎 (2024)

博士級研究員(劉琦允)榮獲美國亞利桑納州立大學Research Fellowship進行跨國移地研究(台積電高科技廠房設施管理) (2024-2025)

博士級研究員(劉琦允)「模糊自適應性媽祖演算法優化臺灣大型語言模型於政府採購法務諮詢」合著論文,榮獲第28屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,113年6月,國立雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。Best Paper Award (2024)

指導研究生(陳琪蓉)論文「營建場域人員職災行為檢測改善之條件生成式非模態實例分割優化技術」,榮獲第28屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,113年6月,國立雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。Best Paper Award (2024)

指導研究生(Hoang-Minh Nguyen)論文「Optimizing Hyperparameters in Energy AI Models Using the Age of Exploration-Inspired Optimizer」,榮獲第28屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,113年6月,國立雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。Best Paper Award (2024)

指導研究生(Asmare Molla Reta)論文 「A Novel Arctic Tern Optimized Feature Weighted Regression System for Scour Depth Prediction Around Bridge Piers」,榮獲第28屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,113年6月,國立雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。Outstanding Paper Award (2024)

指導研究生(連哲賢)論文「電腦視覺分類結合影像分割技術推估橋梁背板與下部構件劣化維護成本」,榮獲第28屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,113年6月,國立雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。Outstanding Paper Award (2024)

指導研究生(林亭妤)論文,「臨時及假設工程於建築生命週期風險管理之研究」,榮獲第28屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,113年6月,國立雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。Most Popular Poster Award (2024)

指導研究生(劉琦允)榮獲國家科學及技術委員會補助延攬客座科技人才經費(三年期、半年期) (2024-2027, 2024)

指導研究生(Asmare Molla Reta)榮獲國家科學及技術委員會補助延攬客座科技人才經費(二年期) (2024-2026)

指導研究生(Asmare Molla Reta)榮獲中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員(Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China Honorary Membership Criteria Award) (2024)

指導研究生(Dani Nugraha Limantono、Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi)榮獲台科大博士班全額獎學金(三年期) (2024-2027)

指導研究生(Kha Pham)榮獲台科大碩士班全額獎學金(二年期) (2024-2026)

指導博士畢業生7位(Pham, Tri, Abdi, Mai, Nhat, Chiyun, Molla),6位擔任國內外大學教職(2024)


指導研究生(郭品君)碩士論文「開發元啟發式新型無人飛行載具智能檢測複合橋梁之劣化維護成本估算系統」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文佳作獎 (2023)


指導研究生(Ngoc-Quang Nguyen)碩士論文「以水母啟發式演算法優化深度學習預測區域能耗之短期模態」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文佳作獎 (2023)

指導研究生(Phan Huy Phuong)碩士論文「Multivariate Time-Series Deep Learning for Deep-Seated Landslide Displacement: A Case Study in Lushan, Taiwan」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文佳作獎 (研究團隊:臺灣科技大學營建工程系、暨南大學土木系) (2023)

指導研究生(連哲賢)榮獲台科大營建系研究所獎學金 (2023-2024)

指導研究生(林亭妤)榮獲大陸工程新秀獎學金 (2023-2024)

指導研究生(Nguyen Ngan Hanh、Ja Krang)榮獲台科大碩士班全額獎學金(二年) (2023)

指導研究生(Pham Tran Bao Quyen)榮獲台科大博士班全額獎學金(三年期) (2023)

指導研究生(Pham Tran Bao Quyen)論文「Automatic Investment Decision Support System for Portfolio Investment in Taiwan Construction Industry」榮獲第二十七屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,陽明交通大學,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2023)

指導研究生(林楷竣)論文「以自適應性風險交易策略建構集成式學習投資組合決策系統」榮獲第二十七屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,陽明交通大學,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2023)

指導研究生(郭品君)論文「開發新型無人飛行載具智能檢測複合橋梁之劣化維護成本估算系統」榮獲第二十七屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,陽明交通大學,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2023)

指導研究生(Phan Huy Phuong)論文「Multivariate Time-Series Deep Learning Model for Forecasting Deep-Seated Landslide Displacement Using Groundwater Data」榮獲第二十七屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,陽明交通大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (研究團隊:臺灣科技大學營建工程系、暨南大學土木系) (2023)

指導研究生(Minh-Hoang Nguyen)論文「A Novel Metaheuristic Algorithm Inspired by the Behavior of Gold Seekers to Optimize Deep Learning Model in Predicting Concrete Compressive Strength」榮獲第二十七屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,陽明交通大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2023)

指導研究生(劉琦允)論文「微型元啟發式優化深度學習之混凝土橋底板劣化檢測邊緣運算平台開發」榮獲第二十七屆營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議,陽明交通大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2023)

指導研究生(Nader A. Charaf)榮獲台科大碩士學雜費減免獎學金(Tuition Waiver) (2022)

指導研究生(Minh-Hoang Nguyen、Muhammad Nabil Asrar、Stacia Dwi Shenjaya)榮獲台科大博士班全額獎學金(三年期) (2022)


指導研究生(Asmare Molla、劉琦允)榮獲國科會補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議 (2022)

指導研究生(侯佳妘)碩士論文「以腦電信號和眼動特徵建構機器學習預測模型於營建工程場域識別作業隱患」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文優等獎 (2022)

指導研究生(張育秀)碩士論文「都市更新關鍵成功因素探討-以新北市住宅重建為例」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會論文佳作獎 (2022)

指導研究生(施欣妤)論文「遙控無人飛行載具拍攝鋼構橋梁背面板之自動化視覺監督學習鏽蝕劣化區域標註模組」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Quang Nguyen)論文「Jellyfish Search-Optimized Convolutional Neural Network with Machine Learning for Predicting Regional Energy Consumption」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生(侯佳妘)論文「以腦電信號和眼動特徵建構機器學習預測模型於營建工程場域識別作業隱患」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生(劉琦允)論文「貝氏優化深度學習晶片模組於無人飛行載具拍攝複合式橋梁背版劣化實例分割暨工程維護成本推估」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生(張育秀)論文「都市更新關鍵成功因素探討-以新北市住宅重建為例」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生(劉琦允)論文「Shear Capacity Prediction of Structural Wall in Building Using Metaheuristics-Optimized Extreme Gradient Boosting」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生(Asmare Molla)論文「Machine/Deep Learning in Seismic Monitoring and Early Warnings of Earthquakes」榮獲第二十六屆營建工程與管理國際研討會,中央大學,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2022)

指導研究生榮獲中興顧問社優秀獎學金(郭品君)、福住建設公司獎學金(郭品君、林楷竣) (2021-2022)

指導研究生榮獲中興顧問社優秀獎學金(侯佳妘、陳鈺萱)、福住建設公司獎學金(侯佳妘)、營建工程系獎學金(陳鈺萱、施欣妤) (2020-2021)

指導研究生(陳莉穎)碩士論文「萬用啟發式演算法優化機器學習於預拌混凝土之抗壓強度預測」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會2021年第三屆學位論文優等獎 (2021)

指導研究生(鄭宗棋)碩士論文「應用仿生優化深度學習建構都市綠屋頂之植物微生物燃料電池產電預測模式 」榮獲社團法人台灣建築醫學學會2021年第三屆學位論文佳作獎 (2021)

指導研究生(Ngoc Mai Nguyen)論文「Forensic-Based Investigation Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Optimization of Highway Project Scheduling」榮獲第二十五屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣大學,臺北市,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2021)

指導研究生(陳可恩)論文「以人工智慧與仿生演算法優化財務指標選股組合及投資策略研析:上市櫃公司及建設類股的報酬績效比較 」榮獲第二十五屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣大學,臺北市,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2021)

指導研究生(鄭宗棋)論文「應用仿生優化深度學習建構綠化屋頂之植物微生物燃料電池產電預測模式」(研究團隊:臺灣科技大學營建工程系、臺灣大學環境工程研究所及宜蘭大學環境工程學系),榮獲第二十五屆營建工程與管理研討會,110年7月,臺灣大學,臺北市,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2021)

指導研究生榮獲中興顧問社優秀獎學金(鄭宗棋)、福住建設公司獎學金(鄭宗棋)、營建工程系獎學金(陳莉穎) (2020-2021)

指導研究生(Dinh-Nhat Truong)榮獲臺灣科技大學109學年度工程學院傑出青年 (2020)

指導研究生(Ngoc Mai Nguyen)獲國立台灣科技大學營建系所推薦榮獲財團法人中技社科技獎學金2020 CTCI Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship (2020)

指導研究生(Dinh-Nhat Truong)A Novel Multi-objective Jellyfish Search Algorithm for Structural Tower Optimization 」榮獲第二十四屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣科技大學,臺北市,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2020)

指導研究生(郭慶群)論文「仿生智慧優化深度卷積神經網路於住宅區域時序性能耗暨其特徵轉張量影像之預測研析」榮獲第二十四屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣科技大學,臺北市,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2020)

指導研究生(許陞銘、郭慶群)論文「利用自動索引程式及人工智慧建立類神經網絡優化系統預測住宅總用電量」榮獲第二十四屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣科技大學,臺北市,臺灣,Outstanding Paper Award (2020)

指導研究生(張智斌、陳可恩)論文「啟發式演算法優化多重輸出機器學習技術預測臺灣營建股價」榮獲第二十四屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣科技大學,臺北市,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2020)

指導研究生(林季葦、劉家瑄)論文「植基於蒙地卡羅模擬機器學習法建構疏濬工程專案預測系統」榮獲第二十四屆營建工程與管理研討會,臺灣科技大學,臺北市,臺灣,Best Paper Award (2020)

指導外籍博士生Dinh-Nhat Truong榮獲臺灣科技大學109學年度全額獎學金 (2020)


指導研究生(Ngoc Mai Nguyen)榮獲臺灣科技大學108學年度額獎學金 (2020)

指導研究生(陳可恩)榮獲臺灣科技大學營建系成績優良獎學金 (2019)

指導研究生(Dinh-Nhat Truong)榮獲科技部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議 (Subsidies of International Conference Attendances for Graduate Students by the Ministry of Science and Technology) (2019)

指導研究生(Dinh-Nhat Truong)論文榮獲第23屆營建工程與管理學術研討會優等論文獎(Outstanding Paper Award) (2019)

指導研究生(劉家瑄、鐘珮倫、郭慶群、Dinh-Nhat Truong)參加2019中華郵政大數據競賽(400+隊伍)入圍最終決賽前30名(TTWN)並榮獲最佳應用獎 (獲獎金、獎盃) (2019)

指導研究生(Anh-Duc Pham)榮獲臺灣科技大學傑出國際校友,並獲邀參與國際傑出校友論壇 (2019)

指導研究生(沈孟璇)獲臺灣科技大學評選赴University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark交換學習(2018-2019)


指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)論文獲IEEE Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) Short-Listed Best Paper Award (2018)

指導PiM研究生團隊(許陞銘等)參加科技部2018年未來科技展 (2018)

指導研究生(Lucia Dewi Santoso)論文榮獲第22屆營建工程與管理學術研討會優等論文獎 (2018)

指導研究生(Trang Thi Phuong Pham、Thi-Kha Nguyen)分別榮獲國際研討會研究生論文獎, International Symposium on Life-Cycle Engineering and Sustainability of Infrastructure (2017)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)榮獲Top 5 in Computer Science and Communication, The Excellent Vietnamese Researcher in Taiwan, Vietnam Student Association in Taiwan (2016)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)榮獲First Prize in Civil and Transportation Engineering, The Excellent Vietnamese Researcher in Taiwan, Vietnam Student Association in Taiwan (2016)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)榮獲First Prize in Construction, The Excellent Vietnamese Researcher in Taiwan, Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (2016)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)榮獲臺灣科技大學105學年度工程學院傑出青年 (2016);取得博士學位後返回越南峴港大學,獲聘為該校學院副院長(2021)

輔導研究團隊(楊畯棋、沈孟璇張俊彥)參加臺科大第屆校園創意創業競賽入圍決審榮獲金融科技事業組第三名 (2016)

輔導研究團隊協力廠商參展2016 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華 Leading the Future for Startups --臺科大育成酷空間 (2016)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)獲國立台灣科技大學營建系所推薦榮獲財團法人中技社CTCI Foundation 105年度科技獎學金 (2016)

輔導研究團隊(楊畯棋)及產學合作廠商(恩可語公司)參加TiC100 Smarter City & IoT 競賽榮獲2016 TiC100 銅獎 (2016)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)榮獲科技部參加國際會議獲最高額(全額)獎助 (2016)

輔導研究團隊(崔嘉琪、楊畯棋)及產學合作廠商(恩可語公司)參加臺科大第六屆校園創意創業競賽入圍決審 (2015)

輔導跨校研究團隊(崔嘉琪等人)及產學合作廠商(恩可語公司)參加科技部2015「創業創新激勵計畫」選拔競賽 (2015)

國立臺灣科技學營建工程系學生校外實習輔導教師 (2014-2016)

指導研究生(Ngoc-Tri Ngo)論文榮獲第十八屆營建工程與管理學術研討會論文優等獎 (2014)

指導研究生(Dac-Khuong Bui)論文榮獲第十八屆營建工程與管理學術研討會論文佳作獎 (2014)

指導研究生(Citra Satria O.)論文榮獲IEEE Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2013 Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention (2013)

指導研究生(許瑜倩、邱繼弘)榮獲中華民國營建管理協會第十屆論文獎(102) (2013)

主持「臺北市災害防救深耕計畫(第3期)」輔導臺北市消防局榮獲全國評鑑市績效優等、區績效特優等獎章 (2012)

指導研究生(許瑜倩)當選臺灣科技大學100年第六屆校園傑出青年 (2012)

指導研究生(涂莞庭)榮獲中華民國營建管理協會第十屆論文獎(101) (2012)

主持「臺北市災害防救深耕計畫(第2期)」輔導臺北市消防局榮獲全國評鑑市績效優等、區績效特優等獎章 (2011)

輔導大學部學參加行政院公共工程委員會主辦之「公共工程成本估價」競賽,重慶大學交換學生王笛獲全國大專組優勝,獎金1萬元與獎盃 (2011)

輔導研究生(許瑜倩、Citra Satria Ongkowijoyo)榮獲2011日本德島大學University of Tokushima Civil and Environmental Engineering暑期研習計畫獎學金 (2011)

指導研究生(楊仲均)論文榮獲第十五屆營建工程與管理學術研討會優選論文獎 (2011)

指導研究生(許瑜倩)當選臺灣科技大學100年工程學院傑出及優秀青年 (2011)

主持「臺北市災害防救深耕計畫(第1期)」輔導臺北市消防局榮獲全國評鑑市績效甲等、區績效優等獎章 (2010)

輔導研究生(涂莞庭)申請國科會參加國際會議獲最高額(全額)獎助 (2010)

指導大學部(四技)學生(何泓學)參加教育部99年度藝術與設計類國際競賽表現傑出 (2010)

營建系國際學生(外籍生)輔導老師 (2009-2010)

臺科大不分系學士班學生之選課輔導 (2009-2010)

校慶運動會營建系召集人 (2009)

協助學生組隊參加校內外球類競賽 (2008- )

研究生(生活、選課輔導、學術研究)導師 (2008- )

大學部(四技)(生活、選課輔導、校外實習工作)導師 (2008- )

歷年指導研究生榮獲外界捐贈及自辦之獎學金(中興工程顧問社、中華顧問工程司、福住建設公司、臺科大頂尖計畫獎學金、臺科大營建系獎學金) (2008- )

指導研究生(曾憲政)榮獲第十屆營建工程與管理研討會發表佳作獎 (2006)


Awards & Honors (獎勵與榮譽)    Go up

- Endowed Honor (榮譽)

World’s Top 2% Scientists (全球前 2% 頂尖科學家): Career-Long (終身科學影響力)、Single Year (年度科學影響力) (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)

國科會工程處土木水利工程學門召集人 (Program Chair, Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Program, Department of Engineering and Technologies, NTSC) (2024- )

Highly Ranked Scholar, ScholarGPS, CA, USA (2024)

入選全球學者庫:「土木工程」學科2023全球學者學術影響力(終生學術影響力榜) (2024)

國科會(科技部)工程處工程科技推展中心土木水利學門采風 (NTSC Featured Scholar) (2021)

國立臺灣科技大學講座教授 (Endowed Chair Professorship, NTUST, Taiwan) (2021-Present)

Ranked World's Top 2% Scientists 2019 (Subject Field: Building & Construction) Released by Stanford University (2020)

World’s Top 2% Scientists (全球前 2% 頂尖科學家): Single Year年度科學影響力』(2019)

Nominated Candidature for the Eni Award 2021, Italy (2019-2021)

國立臺灣科技大學特聘教授 (Distinguished Professorship, NTUST, Taiwan) (2018-2021)

Del E. Webb Eminent Scholar, Del E. Webb School of Construction, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA (2023, 2015-2016)

Visiting Fellowship (Construction Management) Awarded by the Kwong Wah Education Foundation in the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015-2016)

教育部資深優良教師 (Senior Excellent Faculty Award by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.) (2015)

Marquis Who's Who in the World, USA (2010)

Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, USA (2008-2009)

中華民國陸軍總司令部優異榮譽獎章 (Recipient of Army Central Headquarters Award for the Excellent Commissioned Officer, Armed Logistics School, R.O.C.) (1997-1999)

- Research Award (研究獎)

國科會特約研究員 (Merit National Science and Technology Council Research Fellow Award, Taiwan) (2023-2026)

科技部傑出研究獎兩次 (MOST Outstanding Research Award) (2021, 2018)

國立臺灣科技大學傑出研究及創作獎次 (Outstanding Research Award, NTUST) (2020-2022, 2018-2020, 2016-2018)

科技部優秀年輕學者研究獎兩次 (Excellent Young Scholar Research Project Award, MOST R.O.C.) (2015-2018, 2011-2014)

國立臺灣科技大學優良研究及創作獎 (Excellent Research Award, NTUST) (2013-2016)

國立臺灣科技大學產學合作優良獎 (Excellent Industry-University Collaboration Award, NTUST) (2013-2016)

國科會人文處吳大猷先生紀念獎候選人 (Ta-You Wu Memorial Award Candidate of Humanities Dept, MOST, Taiwan) (2009)

國立中正大學管理學院傑出研究教師獎 (Outstanding Research Award, College of Management, NCCU) (2008)

國立中正大學管理學院研究成果獎 (Excellent Research Award, College of Management, NCCU) (2007)

- Paper Award (論文獎)

EDITOR'S CHOICE: Selected Paper, Forensic-based investigation-optimized extreme gradient boosting system for predicting compressive strength of ready-mixed concrete, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering. (2023)

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Highly Cited Paper, July 2023 - A novel metaheuristic optimizer inspired by behavior of jellyfish in ocean, Applied Mathematics and Computation (2023)

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Highly Cited Paper, Jan. 2023 - Modeling heating and cooling loads by artificial intelligence for energy-efficient building design, Energy and Buildings (2023)

Featured Cover of the journal issue - Metaheuristics-optimized deep learning to predict generation of sustainable energy from rooftop plant microbial fuel cellsInternational Journal of Energy Research (2022)

Featured Cover of the journal issue - Identifying deflections of reinforced concrete beams under seismic loads by bio-inspired optimization of deep residual learning, Structural Control and Health Monitoring (2022)

社團法人台灣建築醫學學會優秀學位論文指導獎[2024年(優等獎佳作獎1、佳作獎2)、2023年(佳作獎1-指導教授獎、佳作獎2-指導教授獎、佳作獎3-指導教授獎、佳作獎4-指導教授獎), 2022年優秀學位論文獎(優等獎-指導教授獎佳作獎-指導教授獎), 2021年優秀學位論文獎(優等獎-指導教授獎、佳作獎-指導教授獎)] (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)

營建工程與管理學術研討會暨國際會議論文獎(Outstanding and Best Paper Awards, Construction Engineering and Management Conference, Taiwan) (2024[1-6], 2023[1-6], 2022[1-7], 2021[1-3],2020[1-5], 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014[1-2], 2011, 2006)

Short-listed for the Best Paper Award, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (2018)

Advisory Graduate Student Research Paper Awards, International Symposium on Life-Cycle Engineering and Sustainability of Infrastructure (2017[1], 2017[2])

Outstanding Reviewer Awards, Elsevier (2014[1], 2014[2], 2015)

Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (2013)

中華民國營建管理協會年度論文獎(Paper of the Year Award, Construction Management Association of The Republic of China) (2013, 2012)

- Visiting Appointment (短期訪問)

Visiting Professor, Northwestern University (2024)

Visiting Scholar, University of Houston (2023)

Visiting Scholar, The Ohio State University (2024, 2023)

Visiting Professor & Eminent Scholar, Arizona State University (2024, 2023, 2016)

Visiting Scholar, Harvard University (2019)

Visiting Scholar, University of California Berkeley (2019)

Visiting Scholar, Stanford University (2019, 2009)

Visiting Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015)

Visiting Professor, Chung-Ang University, Korea (2024, 2013, 2005)

Visiting Professor, Seoul National University (2024, 2018, 2011)

Visiting Professor, The University of Texas at Austin (2009)

- Most Cited Articles at Some Time in the Past (發表後某期間列名為高引用論文)

Top 5 publications at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Publications with Highest FWCI (2024)

全球學者庫知名學者引用 (2024)

Most downloaded and cited article in the past 3 years (2021-2022), extracted from Scopus, A novel metaheuristic optimizer inspired by behavior of jellyfish in ocean, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier. (2022-2023)

Top cited article in 2014-2019, Cross-country comparisons of key drivers, critical success factors and risk allocation for public-private partnership projects, International Journal of Project Management, Elsevier.

Top cited article in 2013-2018, Failure analysis of wind turbine blade under critical wind loads, Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier.

Top cited article in 2012-2017, Toward an understanding of construction professionals' acceptance of mobile computing devices in South Korea: An extension of the technology acceptance model, Automation in Construction, Elsevier.

Top cited article during a certain three-year period, Optimizing the prediction accuracy of concrete compressive strength based on a comparison of data-mining techniques, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE. (2011-2014)

Top cited article in 2011-2016, Failure analysis and risk management of a collapsed large wind turbine tower, Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier.

- Performance Award (績效獎)

研究計畫獲國科會工程處土木水利學門推薦為研究優良成果 (2023)

Certificate in EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Skills, University of Cambridge, UK (2022)

研究計畫獲科技部工程司土木水利學門推薦為研究優良成果 (2022)

研究計畫獲科技部工程司土木水利學門推薦為研究優良成果 (2020)

研究計畫獲科技部工程司土木水利學門推薦為研究優良成果 (2019)

科技部補助大專院校獎勵特殊優秀人才措施 (Subsidizing Colleges and Universities to Reward Special Talents, MOST)/教育部補助大專校院實施特殊優秀人才彈性薪資 (Subsidizing Colleges and Universities to Reward Special Talents, MOE)  (2016-2026)

國立臺灣科技大學數位教材上網課程獎勵 (Digital Teaching Reward, NTUST) (2009)

國立臺灣科技大學教師「卓越」(IF>10)、「傑出」(Domain Ranking<10%)及「優良」(Domain Ranking<25%)期刊論文研發成果度績效獎勵 (Outstanding and Excellent R&D Performance Rewards, NTUST) (2008-2022)

國立臺灣科技大學96-110學年度研究所課程英語教學獎勵 (Excellent English Teaching Rewards, NTUST) (2008-2022)

國科會/科技部94-114年度研究計畫主持獎勵/特約研究計畫主持獎勵 (National Science Council/Ministry of Science and Technology Principal Investigator Research Rewards, NSC/MOST, R.O.C.) (2005-2026)    

- Competition Award (競賽獎)

中華郵政大數據競賽最佳應用獎(獎金、獎盃)-指導教授獎 (2019)

指導創新創業團隊「ACE-Wise」榮獲臺科大第屆校園創意創業競賽-金融科技事業組第三名 (Third Place, Campus Creative Entrepreneurship Competition),中華郵政 (2016)

TiC100 Smarter City & IoT 競賽榮獲2016 TiC100 銅獎 (Runner Up, TiC100 Smarter City & IoT Competition),研華文教基金會 (2016)

指導大學部(四技)學生榮獲德國iF 概念獎,獲教育部99年度藝術與設計類國際競賽表現傑出獎 ( (Outstanding Advisor Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan) (2010)

- Fellowship & Honorarium (研究學術(者)獎勵)

獲頒國科會特約研究計畫主持費 (Merit National Science and Technology Council Research Fellow Award) (2023-2026)

獲頒國立臺灣科技大學講座教授特別待遇 (Honorarium of Endowed Chair Professorship, NTUST) (2021-2026)

獲頒科技部傑出研究獎勵 (Honorarium of MOST Outstanding Research Award) (2020-2023)

獲頒科技部傑出研究獎勵 (Honorarium of MOST Outstanding Research Award) (2017-2020)

獲頒國立臺灣科技大學卓越及傑出研究獎勵 (Honorarium of Outstanding Research Award, NTUST) (2016-2018, 2018-2020, 2020-2022)

Honorarium of Del E. Webb Eminent Scholar Award, Del E. Webb School of Construction, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA (2015-2016)

Honorarium of Visiting Fellowship (Construction Management) Awarded by the Kwong Wah Education Foundation in the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2015-2016)

獲頒國立臺灣科技大學優良研究及創作獎勵 (Honorarium of Excellent Research Award, NTUST) (2013-2016)

獲頒國立臺灣科技大學產學合作優良獎 (Honorarium of Excellent Industry-University Collaboration Faculty Award, NTUST) (2013)

國立中正大學管理學院傑出研究教師獎勵 (Honorarium of Outstanding Research Award, College of Management, NCCU) (2008)

國立中正大學管理學院研究成果獎勵 (Honorarium of Excellent Research Award, College of Management, NCCU) (2007)

駐美國休士頓文化組留學生國際學術會議獎助 (Conference Scholarship, TECO-Houston, USA) (2005)

Research Assistantship, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA (2002-2005)

Recipient of Richard and Shirley Tucker Endowed Scholarship Award in the Construction Engineering and Project Management, The University of Texas at Austin, USA (2002-2003, 2003-2004)

國立臺灣大學土木工程研究所獎學金 (Ret-Ser Engineering Agency Scholarship, National Taiwan University) (1996-1997)

國立臺灣大學書卷獎 (Presidential Award, National Taiwan University) (1994, 1995)

國立臺灣大學土木工程學系校友會獎學金 (Civil Engineering Alumni Fellowship, National Taiwan University) (1993)

國立臺灣大學土木工程學系獎學金 (Tseng, Y. F. Honorary Fellowship, National Taiwan University) (1992)


Academic Services (學術服務)    Go up

Expert Reviewer, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (2025)

高科技廠房設施國際論壇主持人(Moderator, High-Tech Facility International Forum, Taipei, Taiwan) (2024)

台灣營建管理學會理事長 (2024- )

Expert Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Israel (2023)

Expert Panel, FWO Review College, Netherlands (2023-2025)

編輯委員,營建知訊,臺灣營建研究院,臺灣 (2022- )

Reviewer, Nature Communications, Springer Nature (2022- )

臺灣大學土木工程學系工程教育諮詢委員 (2022-2023)

Expert Reviewer, Czech Science Foundation, Czech (2021-2022)

Expert Reviewer, European Science Foundation, France (2021)

教育部教學實踐研究計畫審查委員 (2021-2025)


科技部工程技術研究發展(民生化材領域)複審委員 (2021-2022)

考選部專業技師高等考試典試委員 (2020)

External Reviewer, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (2020-2022)

24(2020)營建工程與管理研討會籌備委員會委員 (2019-2020)

Referee for Faculty Promotion Committee at Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU), Jordan (2019)

External Examiner, Graduate Research School, James Cook University, Australia (2019)

電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會審查委員及議程主席 (2019)

科技部工程技術研究發展司土木水利工程學門複審委員 (2018-2020, 2022-)

科技部工程技術研究發展司民生化材領域及前瞻產學發展科複審委員 (2018-2020)

國立雲林科技大學課程諮詢委員 (2018)

臺灣警察專科學校警專學報審查委員 (2018)

科技部政府科技發展計畫審議委員 (2016-2017)

產學合作並技術輔導恩可語股份有限公司設立於臺灣科技大學創新育成中心 (2015-2018)

Co-chairing and Organizing 34th International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) to be Held at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (2015-2017)

淡江大學土木工程學系工程教育認證諮詢委員會委員 (2013-2015)

18屆全國營管盃籌備委員會總召集人兼執行秘書 (2013)

教育部高教司/技職司專科以上學校及大專院校教師資格與教授升等審查委員 (2012-Present)

財團法人消防教育學術研究基金會外聘委員 (2012)

台大土木系外聘審查與評選委員 (2012)

Superior Council of the National Fund for Scientific & Technological Development (FONDECYT) (Chile). (2010)


清華大學外聘審查與評選委員 (2010)

越南峴港大學至臺科大營建系參訪與教育訓練課程規劃委員暨講員 (2010)

臺灣科技大學工程學院赴越南河內土木大學、建築土木大學、峴港大學、胡志明大學招生委員 (2010)

越南University of Danang 副校長 Dr. Le Tan Duy 及副國際長Mr. Nguyen Huu Hien參訪臺科大洽談Joint-Master ProgramFaculty Exchange及學術合作事宜營建系代表 (2010)

英國艾克斯特大學(University of Exeter) Prof. Slobodan Djordjevic2010914日參訪NCP Taiwan 防災主題講解教授 (2010)

「專案管理與系統工程學報」期刊評審委員 (2009)

國科會土木學門八八水災學界勘災參與人員-管理(公共工程)-公共工程之防救災管理體系 (2009)

工程學院台印台越雙邊研討會籌備會營建系委員 (2009)

臺科大工程學院大學部稽核委員、工程學士班導師、營建系四技、研究生導師、臺科大運動績優招生審查委員 (2008-Present)

臺科大校(院)務會議代表、臺科大學術獎勵評審委員、臺科大營建系學生事務委員、教學、建教合作委員、福利委員、學術活動委員、研究發展委員、系教師評審委員會、系友會聯繫委員會委員、教師申訴評議委員候選人、實習合作機構媒合機制規劃委員、工程教育IEET、營建系評鑑工作協助教師 (2008-Present)

臺科大營建系碩博士班招生審查委員兼召集人、四技生及碩士生入學審查委員、二技進修招生審查委員、博、碩士班(管理組、資訊組、大地組)、在職碩士專班、四技甄審、技優甄選、大學部外籍生審查委員、碩士班入學考命題委員、國內外大專院校碩、博士論文審查及口試委員 (2008-Present)

Second International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2010)2010年世界土木、營建生命週期工程研討會」籌備委員會委員 (2008-2010)

營建工程與管理學術研討會籌備委員、學術暨論文審查委員、會議主持人、執行秘書、副召集人 (2008-Present)

臺灣科技大學營建系PMI課程訓練中心籌備委員。Organizer & Lecturer, Taiwan Tech as a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) of PMI , R.E.P. Provider ID: 2839 (2008-20092009-2010)

臺灣科技大學建築科技中心先進基礎工程國際研討會籌備委員會委員 (2008-2009)

科技部()審查委員 (2008-Present)

國家災害防救科技中心勘災專家會員 (2008- )

中華民國營建管理協會「營建管理季刊」論文評審委員 (2008- )

國防部軍備局技術訓練中心專案管理課程講師 (2008)

內政部建築研究所「台灣都市易損性評估方法及風險管理機制之先期研究」研究案,專家學者座談會與談人 (2008)

中華民國建築學會建築學報論文評審委員 (2008- )

土木水利學刊論文評審委員 (2008- )

中國土木水利工程學刊論文評審委員 (2008- )

內政部營建署「公寓大廈管理服務業營運與人力需求狀況座談」與談人,桃園,開南大學物業管理學系主辦 (2007)

財團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會專案管理委員 (2007)

中正大學第八屆中小企業管理研討會總幹事 (2007)

風險與安全管理國際學術研討會論文評審委員/評論人,開南大學 (2007)

第七屆中小企業研討會評審委員及與談人,中正大學 (2006)

後高鐵時代嘉南區域經濟發展論壇主談人,行政院南部聯合服務中心 (2006)

大專院校「專案管理教學研討及認證發展」座談會與談人,中華專案管理學會 (2006)

國內大專院校碩、博士論文審查、口試委員 (2006-迄今)

國立中正大學企管系暨管理學院行政/服務/學術/教學職務相關委員 (2005-2008)

中正大學嘉義縣政府管理實務學分班講師 (2005-2006)

升學留學講座及博覽會主談人,中正大學學務處畢僑外組 (2005)

大學入學考試中心95學年度學科能力測驗嘉義考區第一分區主試人員 (2005)


Professional Services (專業審查諮詢服務)    Go up  

臺灣大學(創校94年)校慶場地布置採購案評選委員 (2022)

財團法人臺灣營建研究院《營建知訊》編輯委員 (2022- )

台北市政府財政局公共債務管理委員會委員 (2021-2024)

國家發展委員會(National Development Council)管制考核處國家會展中心興建計畫-總結評估報告複評委員 (2020)

內政部營建署下水道工程處專業服務案審查委員 (2020)

中華郵政股份有限公司外聘審查與評選委員 (2019)

國立故宮博物院外聘審查與評選委員 (2019)

行政院客家委員會外聘審查與評選委員 (2019)

財政部中央公共債務管理委員會學者專家委員 (2017-2023)

基隆市營造業審議委員會委員 (2015-2017)

校舍建築物結構補強設計監造技術審查與評選委員 (2014)

內政部消防署「災害防救深耕第2期計畫」評鑑委員 (2014)

宜蘭縣政府外聘審查與評選委員 (2013)

中華民國優良廠商協會評鑑委員 (2013)

內政部消防署災害防救深耕中程計畫審查委員 (2012-2013)

自來水公司北區工程處外聘審查與評選委員 (2012)

內政部建築研究所評審委員 (2009)

內政部營建署代辦中央政府機關工程諮詢/評選委員 (2009- )

臺北縣政府環境保護局營建工程空氣污染防制計畫「優良工地評鑑」評審委員 (2008)

財團法人臺灣建築中心特殊結構審查業務審查委員 (2008- )

經濟部工業局外聘審查與評選委員 (2008- )

新北市政府(臺北縣政府)外聘審查與評選委員 (2008- )

臺北市政府外聘審查與評選委員 (2008- )

桃園縣政府外聘審查與評選委員 (2008- )

行政院公共工程委員會專家學者 (2008- )

交通部高公局外聘審查與評選委員 (2008- )


Journal Editor & Editorial Board (編輯委員)    Go up

- Scientific/Social Sciences Citation Index Journal Editor

Guest Editor, Automation in Construction: Special Issue on Safe Construction through Wearable Protection Devices, Elsevier. (2019)

Guest Editor, Special Issue on International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction - ICSDEC 2015, Sustainable Cities and Society. (2018)

- International Journal Editor

Editor, The University of Danang - Journal of Science and Technology (UD-JST) (2024- )

Section Editor, Knowledge-based Engineering and Science (2020- )

Editorial Board MemberJournal of Building Construction and Planning Research, Scientific Research Publishing Inc., Delaware, USA (2013- )


International Committees (國際學術委員會)    Go up

- International Conference Chair (國際學術研討會議主席)

Chair of Technical Program Committee, The 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE 2021), October 19-21, 2021 in Sanya, China. (2021)

Chair of Technical Program Committee, The 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE 2020), October 20-22, 2020, Sanya, China. (2020)

Co-chairing and Organizing 34th International Symposium of Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) to be Held at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (2017)

Leadership Committee, Big Data/Intelligence Track, and Paper Reviewer for the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction, 18 – 20 May 2016, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (2015-2016)

Session Chair, The 4th Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences, August 25-27, 2015, Osaka, Japan. (2015)

Leadership Committee Board Member for the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction – ICSDEC 2015, 10-13 May 2015, Chicago, Elsevier. (2014-2015)

Conference Session Chair, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2013, Thailand. (2013)

Session Chair, 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Seoul, Korea. (2011)

International Committee Chair of Taiwan, International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction, March 23-25, 2011 Kansas City, Missouri. (2010)

Session Chair, Second International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering Taiwan Tech, October 27-31, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. (2010)

- Scientific/Technical Committee (科學/技術委員)

Program Committee, 11th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2025), 16th-18th July, 2025, Gran Canaria, Spain. (2025)

Editorial Board Member, The Twelfth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 4-6 September 2024, Prague, Czech Republic. (2024)

Program Committee, 10th edition of the International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting-ITISE 2024, Gran Canaria (Spain), July, 2024. (2024)

Program Committee, 9th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2023), Gran Canaria (Spain), June, 2023. (2023)

Program Committee, International Conference of Modern Systems Engineering Solutions, MODERN SYSTEMS 2022, July 24, 2022 to July 28, 2022 - Nice, Saint-Laurent-du-Var, France. (2022)

Program Committee, International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting (ITISE 2022), Gran Canaria (Spain), 27th-30th June, 2022. (2022)

Steering Committee, International Symposium on Emerging Developments and Innovative Applications of Reliability Engineering and Risk Managements, October 31-November 3, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan. (2021)

International Scientific Committee, 2021 International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD 2021),  February 19-21, 2021, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (2021)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 14-17 December, 2020, Singapore (2020)

International Scientific Committee, Construction Digitalisation for Sustainable Development Conference (CDSD 2020), 24-25 November 2020, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. (2020)

Technical Program Committee, 2020 International Conference on Materials in Civil Engineering (MICE 2020), October 23-25, 2020, Sanya, China (2020)

International Advisory Board, Symposium CB "Quantification of Microstructures using Data Analysis and Machine Learning Methods", 15th International Ceramics Congress (June 15-19, 2020) and the 9th Forum on New Materials (June 20-23, 2020), International Ceramics Congress. (2020)

Program Committee, World Congress on Infrastructure and Construction (WCIC-2020), May 28-29, 2020, at Brussels, Belgium. (2020)

International Scientific Committee, 2020 International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD 2020),  February 17-19, 2020, Sydney, Australia. (2020)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 15-18 December, 2019, Macau. (2019)

Steering Committee, International Journal of Symposium on Reliability of Multi-disciplinary Engineering Systems (ISRMES2019), 8-11 Dec. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019)

Scientific Committee, CIGOS (Congrès International de Géotechnique - Ouvrages -Structures), Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam. (2019)

Technical Program Committee, The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE 2019), October 22-24, 2019, Sanya, China. (2019)

International Scientific Committee, The 2019 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE 2019), October 18-20, 2019, Xiamen, China. (2019)

Program Committee, 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications (ICIMSA2019), December 16th -18th, 2019, Seoul, Korea. (2019)

Scientific Committee Member, International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering (ISCEIE) 2019, July 29th–31th, 2019 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (2019)

Program Committee, International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Grids (ESG 2018), 4-5 June, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom. (2018)

Technical Committee, International Workshop on Computing for Civil Engineering (IWCCE 2017), June 25 – 27, 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA. (2017)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 5-7 December, 2016 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Indonesia. (2016)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2015, Singapore. (2015)

Technical Program Committee, International Conference on Modern Management, June 26-28, 2015, Guilin, Guangxi, China. (2015)

Program Committee, International Conference on Information, Management Science and Applications. ICIMSA 2015, May 26-28, 2015, Tokyo, Japan. (2015)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2014, Malaysia. (2014)

Scientific Committee, Asian Conference on Data Mining (ACDM'14), Asian Institute of Technology, International Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, Dec. 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2014)

International Scientific Committee, International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM’2014), May 20-24, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. (2014)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2013, Thailand. (2013)

International Committee, International Symposium on Engineering and Natural Science (ISEANS 2013), August 2013, Macau, China. (2013)

International Committee, International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering, and Construction (ICSDEC 2012), Nov. 2012, Fort Worth, TX, ASCE CI summit and co-sponsored by the ASCE Construction Institute. (2012)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2012, Hong Kong. (2012)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2011, Singapore. (2011)

Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2010, Macau. (2010)

- Organizing Committee (規劃委員)

Organizing Committee Member, 5th Global Conference and Expo on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, October 12-13, 2020, Lisbon, Portuga (2020)

Organizing Committee Member, 3rd International Conference on Computer Science & Cloud Computing, July 20-21, 2020, Montreal, Canada. (2020)

Steering Committee, International Journal of Symposium on Reliability of Multi-disciplinary Engineering Systems (ISRMES2019), 8-11 Dec. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019)

Organizing Committee, International Congress on Urban and Civil Engineering, October 22-23, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. (2018)

Organizing Committee Member, International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering, June 21-22, 2018, Paris, France. (2018)

Organizing Committee Member for the 2nd International Conference on Computational & Network Technologies (2014)

Organizing Committee Member for Pacific-Rim Workshop on Innovations in Civil Infrastructure Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, January 9 – 11, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. (2013)

Organizing Committee, Second International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2010) Oct. 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. (2010)

- International Conference Reviewer (國際研討會論文審查委員)

Computing Conference 2020, 16-17 July 2020, London, United Kingdom. (2020)

CCACHE 2019: 2019 Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Sept. 2019, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019)

Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2019, 16-17 July 2019, London, United Kingdom. (2019)

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (2016-2021, 2009-2014)

International Conference on Public-Private Partnership (ICPPP2015), Austin, Texas. (2015)

26th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), U.S. June 24-27, Austin, Texas. (2009)

ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 24 – 27, 2009, Austin, Texas. (2009)

10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation. (2008)

12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (ICCCBE-XII & INCITE). (2008)


Reviewing Activities for Journals (國際期刊審查委員)    Go up

- Science Citation Index Journals

Civil, Hydraulic and Construction Engineering

Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence

Energy Management and Buildings

Operations Management/Decision Sciences/Hazards Management

 - Social Science Citation Index Journals

- Other Journals


Research Collaboration (研究合作機構)   Go up

Arizona State University, USA

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Chung-Ang University, Korea

Deakin University, Australia

Düzce University, Turkey

Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Veitnam

IIT Bhubaneswar, India

Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

Kainan University, Taiwan

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Petra Christian University, Indonesia

Seoul National University, Korea

Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, Danang, Vietnam

The University of Melbourne, Australia

University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa


Invited Talks (專題演講邀請)    Go up

專題演講,「土木水利工程管理之人工智慧研究發展 ,114年2月20日,中鼎集團, 臺北市,臺灣。(2025)

專題演講,「自然啟發式人工智慧於土木水利工程的應用 Leveraging Nature-Inspired Artificial Intelligence in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering」,113年9月10日,國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所, 臺北市,臺灣。(2024)

專題講座,「土木水利工程管理之研究發展—國際視野與本土實踐(Research and Development of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Management - International Perspective & Domestic Practices)」,113年6月27日,雲林科技大學,雲林縣,臺灣。(2024)


Keynote Speaker, Predicting Mechanical Strength of Reinforced Concrete Materials by Metaheuristics-Optimized Ensemble System, International Symposium on Emerging Developments and Innovative Applications of Reliability Engineering and Risk Managements, October 30-November 3, 2022, Taipei, Taiwan.

Invited Speaker, 以仿生智慧優化深度學習建構永續城市綠化屋頂之植物微生物燃料電池產電預測模式 (Modeling green-roof energy generation from plant microbial fuel cells in sustainable cities by metaheuristic optimized deep learning), 7th Cross-Strait Forum on Sustainable Urban Development, November 19-21, 2021, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. (2021)


專題演講,如何在土木工程與營建管理領域探索工程智慧決策輔助資訊? (How to Discover Intelligent Decision-Support Information in Civil Engineering and Project Management?)」,民110年4月,國立中央大學土木工程學系,桃園,臺灣。(2021)

Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering, International Webinar: Engineering Strategies for Intelligent Construction, ISACCE NTUST, Dec. 19, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan. (2020)



Keynote Speaker, Toward Reliable Design for Mitigating Operational Risk in Wind Energy Projects: Lessons Learned from Wind Turbine Tower Collapse and Blade Failure in Strong Winds, International Symposium on Reliability of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Systems under Uncertainty, 8-11 December 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. (2019)

Invited E-Lecturer, Intelligent Cloud Monitoring and Alerting of Energy Use in Residential Buildings, Nov. 2019, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. (2019)

Smart Grid Analytics for Facilitating Efficient Use of Energy in Residential Buildings」,第六屆海峽兩岸可持續城市發展論壇2019 年5 月16 日至5 月18 日,中國上海同濟大學。(2019)

專題演講,Cloud Machine Learning System for Identifying Household Energy Consumption Patterns in Residential Buildings,Smart City台印雙邊研討會,民108年4月22日至4月23日,國立交通大學電子資訊研究中心。 (2019)

Applied Machine Learning for Civil Engineering Informatics, Invited by School of Civil and Architectural Engineering/ u-City Design and Engineering, Jan. 14, 2019, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. (2019)




Toward Sustainable Civil Engineering and the Built Environment, Joint Workshop of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - PiM Lab  & Seoul National University - Construction Innovation Lab, Jan. 4, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. (2018)

Nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization in machine learning for engineering analytics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University, May 2017, Korea. (2017)


Project Analytics & Engineering Intelligence ~ Toward Sustainable Management of the Built Environment ~, La Trobe University Visiting Students, NTUST, July 2016, Taipei, Taiwan。(2016)


自然生物啟發式優化預測系統於土木工程之應用(Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Optimized Prediction System for Civil Engineering Applications)」,國立臺灣大學環境工程研究所,2016年3月,台北,台灣。(2016)

Data Analytics & Engineering Intelligence, Del E. Webb School of Construction, School of Sustainable Engineering and The Built Environment, Jan. - Feb., 2016, Arizona State University, USA. (2016)

Civil Engineering Data Mining & Applications, Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dec. 2015, Hong Kong, China. (2015)


臺北市災害防救深耕計畫三年成果」, 基隆市政府消防局,2013年6月,基隆市。(2013)

Speaker for the 2013 Distinguished Guest Lecture Series Titled “Construction Automation: Past, Present and Future”, Chung-Ang University, Jan.-Feb., 2013, Seoul, Korea. (2013)

Probabilistic Performance Reliability-Cost Tradeoff for Maintenance Strategy, 國立中央大學土木系,20119月,中壢,台灣。(2011)

Keynote Speaker, Community disaster preparedness: A deep cultivation practice in Taipei City, The 8th Asian Crisis Management Conference, Sept. 16-19, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited) (2010)

Forensic Investigation of a Collapsed Wind Turbine Tower in Taiwan, International Training Workshop on New Technologies in Construction Engineering (Technical Program), Aug. 9-11, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Presentation) (2010)

臺北市災害防救深耕計畫第1期執行成果」,99年度臺北市政府災害防救專家諮詢委員會專題演講(Invited) 臺北市災害應變中心,201011月,臺北市。(2010)



美國德州奧斯汀大學土木、建築與環境工程研究所訪問教授 (2009)


專案管理於醫學臨床研究之應用」,美國楊森大藥廠Global Clinic Organization部門,20094月,臺北市,臺灣。(2009)


Applying AHP-based CBR to Estimate PMO Costs, 福建省福州大學土木工程學院,20089月,福建,中國。(2008)

應用結構方程模式探討高速鐵路服務品質與旅客行為之關係 」,國立臺灣科技大學營建工程研究所,200810月,臺北市,臺灣。(2008)



GLM-based Cost Data Warehouse for Transportation Projects,國立交通大學土木工程研究所,200710月,新竹,臺灣。(2007)

Engineering Project Management (II), International PM Summer School, 開南大學專案管理研究所, 20077月,桃園,臺灣。(2007)


Preliminary Cost Management for Taiwan Transportation Projects, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan. (2006)

Predicting Early Quantity Estimates Using GLM for Highway Projects, Tamkang University, March 2006, Taipei, Taiwan. (2006)

Internet-based Cost Estimating Database, Dept. of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (2006)

Data Mining Application to Preliminary Cost Modeling for Taiwan Maintenance Construction Projects, National Cheng Kung University, Dec. 2006, Tainan, Taiwan. (2006)

Quantity-based Statistical Models for Highways, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2005)

Preliminary Cost Estimating System for Highways, College of Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. (2005)

Improvement of Preliminary Cost Estimates for Highway Construction, Institute of Construction Management, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan. (2005)

Implementation of a Preliminary Cost Estimating System, Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan. (2005)

Development of Web-based Preliminary Cost Estimating System, Department of Logistic Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (2005)

Development of Web-based Preliminary Cost Estimating System, Department of Business Administration, College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan. (2005)


Academic Associations (學會)   Go up

台灣營建管理學會 (2024- )

中華民國營建管理協會 (2008- )

中國土木水利工程學會 (2008- )